IFabric with Line and Form and Form and Movement in a Clothed Figure
It was probably a little over optimistic, but because the brief stated not to get bogged down with detail of the figure I was hoping to complete the whole drawing in 45 – 50 mins. It took me much longer than expected (35 – 40 mins) to get to the stage where I was ready to begin shading the fabric, which took approximately another 15 minutes.
It was probably a little over optimistic, but because the brief stated not to get bogged down with detail of the figure I was hoping to complete the whole drawing in 45 – 50 mins. It took me much longer than expected (35 – 40 mins) to get to the stage where I was ready to begin shading the fabric, which took approximately another 15 minutes.
Did you find it easy to approach the figure as whole or were you distracted by details of the sitter’s dress?
The sitter was wearing a dressing gown. I made a concerted effort to concentrate only on visualizing the basic outline and shape of the figure first – knowing that if I became distracted at this stage by the sitter’s dress I would soon end up in a confused mess. Just as I would have approached a nude study I checked alignments of the shoulders with the head, the arms with the torso and chair etc, I tried to assess and lightly sketch in strategic angles, as I knew that without having a reasonable indication of the form underneath, I wouldn’t have much hope of making the drape of the clothing look convincing.
Above - three 15 minute sketches of fabric draped over a chair using line only |
I created volume in the folds of the fabric by:
Firstly, following carefully the curves of the outer and inner edges of the folds with line.
I also tried to develop cross contours in the hatching and shading, where it appeared that the folds were quite curving. The direction of my hatching was mostly straight, only changing when following the angle of the folds as they curved around.
Small squares containing close-ups of areas of fabric shaded shaded with charcoal, graphite stick and pencil |
How would you tackle a drawing like this again?
Clothed figure wearing dressing gown |